Just like you we take eye and face protection extremely seriously, but we also know that comfort and optical clarity are other critical factors for the welder’s ability to use their personal protective equipment. Illnesses due to other hazards, like welding fumes, can often take weeks, months or even years to become apparent.
Here are four simple steps that you can follow to make it easier to choose the correct level of protection and comfort that optimize your welding safety:
Perfect welding protection stands or falls with its propper use. 3M accompanies this in three ways.
- Training: you will learn how to make the right choice and a 3M safety coach can train you or your employees in how and why they should use their equipment
- Motivation: Do your employees know how to wear and use their equipment? Our 3M Safety Coach can support you in toolbox meetings and offer posters for guidance at your location.
- Care and manitenance: Every day sparks, heat, fumes and normal wear effect the protective equipment. For this, regular checks should be done.
Whether you need personal advice or like to book a meeting with a 3M Safety Coach, please contact us.